Here is an update on Noah. The more I stitch this the more I know I don't want to stitch on 40ct again, nor 1/1 again ;). I am really shocked at how poor my eyesight has become.
Thanks for all the nice comments about my Mermaid(s).
Struggles and trials have become a normal part of my life for the past year and a half. I never realized you could feel so many emotions (often at the same time). These struggles have to do with my oldest daughter, whom I love so much. This past year and half has taught me that I would LITERALLY give up my life for her to get herself back on track. You always hear people say they would die for their kids. But I KNOW I would die for any one of mine. We received more distrubing news about our wayward daughter last night and I think I cried 2 pounds of tears. On my good days I KNOW that God is in control, and that he knows what is going on in my daughter's life. It's so hard to remember God's greatness in times of difficulty and yet he should be our biggest comfort. How disappointing I must be to God because I do not trust in Him the way I should. But God uses trials to make us better people for him. Apparently I need a lot of work since he keeps giving us more to deal with.
I leave you with the verse below, knowing this is my time for weeping.
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die...a time to weep, and a time to laugh."