I want to thank everyone who have left comments on my blog and have sent me emails regarding my last post, which was back in September!! I just got another comment 5 minutes ago, you are all so sweet. So many of you have checked in often and it has meant a lot to me. Little windows of encouragement that I've needed.
The end of 2007 was so painful and unfortunately that pain is continuuing into 2008. But I've learned so much from this experience and I've changed so much (for the better) because of it. I've learned ~ time is precious, people are precious, family is precious, our children are so incredibly precious and God is in control. Even though I sit here with a heart still broken, I know that God knew what was going to happen and he knows what will happen in the future. And I am most definitely being refined through this.
I literally gave up stitching until just after Thanksgiving when I was able to muster enough strength to pick up a needle and finish Miss New Year's Fairy which was a Christmas present for my daughter. Isn't she pretty?
Miss New Year's FairyMiribilia
32ct "Fairy Dust" Belfast
Crescent Colours and Kreinik Braid
Started ~ 7-27-07
Finished ~ 11-26-07
Since then I have been forcing myself to stitch. It used to be such good therapy for me. Most of the time I can only stitch for about 15 or 20 minutes and then I get too antsy to sit.
I have been loosely following your blogs and hope to get back into blogging and leaving comments. I've been fiddling with my blog for the past week because I'd forgotten how to post pictures etc. DH had to help me get going with my blog this afternoon.
"Each day brings us a chance to do better and to make good. It is as though our slate has had the smudges of yesterday wiped out."